Imagine a space where history and community come together under the shade of a leafy canopy, where young athletes and seasoned players alike can perform with the unwavering support of their fans. The Toombul District Cricket Club, a cornerstone of our community since 1882, invites you to be a part of its next chapter. We are embarking on an exciting journey to enhance our beloved clubhouse at Oxenham Park, Nundah. Your support will transform this iconic site into a premier venue where comfort meets tradition, ensuring a legacy of sporting excellence and community spirit for generations to come. Together, we can create a welcoming sanctuary for all who cherish the game. Join us in making this vision a reality!



Club History: The Toombul District Cricket Club, established in 1882 and situated at Oxenham Park Nundah since 1908, is seeking support.
Project Goal: The aim is to build an undercover area on the clubhouse, creating a shaded and comfortable space for spectators.
Purpose: This will enhance the viewing experience for both junior and senior sports, promoting a better environment for sports enjoyment.
Call to Action: The club is reaching out for contributions to make this vision a reality.

Potential Impact:
1. Enhanced Spectator Experience:
– The new undercover area will provide shade and protection from the elements, making it more comfortable for spectators to watch games.
– This can increase attendance and community engagement with the club’s activities.

2. Community Benefit:
– The improvement will serve not just club members but also the wider community, offering a pleasant space for various events and gatherings.
– It promotes a sense of community by providing a common space for people to come together and enjoy local sports.

3. Youth and Local Sports Development:
– By creating a more welcoming environment, the club can attract more families and young players, which is essential for nurturing local talent.
– This project will likely support the club’s efforts in developing sports at the grassroots level.

4. Long-term Value:
– The upgrade will add lasting value to the clubhouse, making it a more versatile and appealing facility for future generations.
– It ensures that the club’s infrastructure keeps pace with the needs of the community and modern sporting standards.

5. Community Pride and Heritage:
– Enhancing a historical clubhouse reinforces community pride and preserves local heritage.
– It underscores the club’s longstanding presence and its commitment to maintaining and improving its facilities.

Supporting this project not only benefits the Toombul District Cricket Club but also has a positive ripple effect on the community by fostering a vibrant and inclusive sports culture. Contributions to the cause will help in creating a lasting legacy for the club and its supporters.

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